

Start a fundraising event

Thank you for your interest in organizing an event in support of Kidney Cancer Canada. Your efforts help support patient and caregiver support programs and Canadian kidney cancer research.
To help promote you fundraising event, Kidney Cancer Canada CAN provide
  • An endorsement letter that you can show potential sponsors or donors to assist you with your fundraising.
  • A website to assist you with fundraising – a platform that facilitates personal challenges, pledged events, galas and golf tournaments as well as a general donation site.
  • A listing for your event on the Kidney Cancer Canada Events Calendar on our website
  • An approved Kidney Cancer Canada logo, which you can use on your materials.
  • Up-to-date information on our programs and research.
  • Advice and expertise on event planning.
  • Charitable tax receipts according to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) rules and regulations.
  • Social media assistance such as posting on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram


We’re always here to help

Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information or to help you add your fundraising activity to our platform and how to use it.

Kidney Cancer Canada