Study for patients not on active treatment
The Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education of the University of Toronto is conducting a study exploring sitting and active time in cancer survivors.
Researchers are trying to learn more about the amount of time cancer survivors spend sitting and being active, and how it relates to how they feel. The study commitment is only for 1 week.
- Diagnosed with any type of cancer
- 18+ years old
- Own a smartphone
- Not currently undergoing active treatment
- Live anywhere in Canada
- Answer a series of short surveys (3 minutes), 5 times a day for one week only.
- Wearing an activity monitor for one week – activity monitors will be mailed to patients free of charge to wear for one week and a postage paid envelope will be provided for return
- Patients will be paid $15 for completing the surveys
Find out more about how to participate and see if you are eligible at: