New resources for patients and caregivers
The Ottawa Hospital Uro-Oncology Research Group is proud to have designed and developed multiple patient decision aids. Urologist, Dr. Luke Lavallée, created the decision aids for kidney cancer patients. The objective is to help patients discuss treatment options with their doctor.
This decision aid was created to educate patients with kidney tumours and encourage them to think about different parts of treatment that are important to them. All patients are unique. There are no wrong decisions. This decision aid will hopefully help you discuss treatment choices with your urologist when determining how to best manage your kidney tumour.
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This decision aid is designed to educate patients with a small kidney tumour. It is aimed to encourage you and your caregivers to think about different parts of your treatment and what is important to you. Small kidney tumours are often defined as tumours less than 4 cm. However, this varies based on your situation and should be discussed with your doctor. All patients are unique. There are no wrong decisions. This decision aid can help you discuss treatment options with your doctor when determining how to best manage your kidney tumour.
view online or downloadAll resources here