New Resource: Kidney Cancer Diet & Nutrition
Source: International Kidney Cancer Coalition
It is important for people living with kidney cancer to understand the effect of food and nutrition on the body. The kidneys have long been known to play an important role in the metabolism of sugars, proteins, fats and other nutrients, in addition to being one of the most energy-demanding organs of the body. When one of your kidneys has a tumour, that balance can change. It follows that changing one’s eating habits to reflect that can help manage side effects of the disease and treatments.
Kidney Cancer Diet & Nutrition: A guide for patients and their families was created to provide practical information to help people with kidney cancer understand the relationship between food and their body and also enjoy food and its related social experiences.
The Nutrition Guide is an initiative of IKCC Affiliate Organisation ALCER Renal Foundation (Spain), Fundación MÁS QUE IDEAS and Ipsen. Originally created for the Spanish kidney cancer community, the Guide is a practical tool for people living with kidney cancer and their families to help understand the relationship between food, nutrition, the kidneys and kidney cancer.
Translating it into English from Spanish, and sharing it broadly with Affiliate Organisations, is based on IKCC’s foundational objectives of collaborating and sharing information globally.
The Nutrition Guide includes information about:
- Kidney cancer, including potential treatments
- Nutrition as it relates to kidney cancer
- Maintaining a balanced diet when diagnosed with kidney cancer (including specific information for localised and metastatic kidney cancer)
- Managing symptoms and side-effects
- Food and drug interactions
- And…recipes!
Access the English and Spanish guides by clicking on the images below.
The Nutrition Guide was developed through a multi-disciplinary collaboration with many organisations who shared expertise and relevant experience in helping to improve the lives of people with cancer:
- Spanish Association Against Cancer
- Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- Spanish Association of Urology (AEU)
- Spanish Multidisciplinary Team for Physical Exercise in Kidney Patients (GEMEFER)
- Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacists (SEFH)
- Spanish Group for the Development of Oncology Pharmacy (GEDEFO)
- Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN)
- Spanish Society of Nephrology (S.E.N.)
- Radiotherapy Oncology Society in Spain (SEOR)
- Spanish Genitourinary Oncology Group (SOGUG)
The English translation was provided by IKCC and reviewed by Karin Kastrati, Das Lebenshaus (Germany) and Sanne Lauriks, Medicom Medical Publisher (the Netherlands).