

Annual Fundraising Campaign | 2022


At Kidney Cancer Canada our purpose is to improve the lives of those affected by kidney cancer across Canada by advocating for access to new treatments, promoting research and providing support, information, and education.

It’s that time of the year again where we assess accomplishments and re-examine our objectives.   With your generous support we can maintain and develop important support programs for patients and caregivers as well as fund kidney cancer research. Your donation dollars have helped us significantly. Here are some highlights:

Icon Education colour
  • Annual Patient & Caregiver Virtual National Forum
  • World Kidney Cancer Day special patient and caregiver events
  • Webinars – latest advances in kidney cancer treatment, mental health support and wellbeing
  • Monthly virtual Coffee-Chats for patients and caregivers
  • Additions to the Kidney Cancer Video Knowledge Library – Robotic Surgery
  • Patient support committee to answer questions, provide support and help navigate a diagnosis
Icon Research colour

Kidney Cancer Canada funded $300,000 in kidney cancer innovative research projects.

  • 2022 winners: Dr. Teodora Podasca, Joseph Walton
  • 2021 winners: Dr. Kristen McAlpine, Dr. Brooke Wilson, Dr. Patrick Richard
  • 2020 winners: Dr. Rola Saleeb, Dr. Maryam Soleimani, Dr. Ninadh D’Costa, Dr. Keith Lawson
Icon Advocacy colour
  • Patient submissions to the pan Canadian Oncology Drug Review (pCODR) for newly approved kidney cancer drugs by Health Canada
  • Partnering with Cancertainty – 35 cancer organizations working together to advocate for affordability and accessibility of cancer treatment for all patients across Canada
  • Awareness campaigns with the International Kidney Cancer Coalition about shared decision making, mental health and the benefits of exercise

We want to keep providing the excellent services we offer to our community and your donations help us to maintain our programs. You allow us to continue to support newly diagnosed patients with their cancer diagnosis or aid experienced patients with challenges with their disease. We hope to develop more innovative programs and fund much needed research.

Here are the key projects that we look forward to developing in the coming 2 years:

  • ‘The Year of the Caregiver’ 2023: a focus on caregivers by developing a resource digitally and in print to support caregivers, adding a new section on our website and a new Caregiver category in the video knowledge library
  • Additions to the Kidney Cancer Video Knowledge Library – genetics and ablation therapies
  • Expand the Coffee Chats to include sessions for patients with localized disease

These are exciting but challenging times for Kidney Cancer Canada. We have so much more to do… we need your help!

Please donate, ANY amount will be appreciated, to help us support the Canadian kidney cancer community.

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Kidney Cancer Canada