

And the Award of Excellence in Kidney Cancer goes to…

The Award of Excellence in Kidney Cancer Nursing presented at the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology  is sponsored by Kidney Cancer Canada in honour of Tony Clark. It recognizes the outstanding work of an individual or group of oncology nurses who have made an exceptional difference in the lives of kidney cancer patients.

The recipient of this year’s Award of excellence in Kidney Cancer goes to Tevi Helland-Nergaard.

Tevi is the longest serving Kidney Cancer Clinical Trials Nurse at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre since 2007. Tevi has been a part of the genitourinary (GU) tumour group, including kidney cancer and has been described as displaying “enormous respect for her kidney cancer patients and forms relationships with them to guide them through their cancer care journey”. With her years of experience with this group of patients, she is a leader for other Clinical Research Nurses on the team and as peers describe her as “continuously advocating for excellent patient care”.

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