

2022 Global Patient Survey on Kidney Cancer | Results

The International Kidney Cancer Coalition (IKCC) in partnership with patient organisations around the world ran the 2022 Global Patient Survey from September to November. All patients, caregivers and survivors were encouraged to share their experiences and insights living with kidney cancer in the online survey.

The survey is designed to identify geographic differences in patients’ experiences, highlight best practices and unmet needs related to patients’ access to care, assess quality of life, determine the prevalence of shared decision-making, and study involvement in clinical trials. In 2022, the survey also explored how patients perceive active surveillance, eligibility and access to genetic testing, and patients’ preferences related to imaging following kidney cancer surgery.

Canadian patients and caregivers had one of the highest participation rates out of 39 countries. Thanks to your participation a Canadian survey results report has been produced to inform and support our advocacy efforts. View the  Global Patient Survey Reports on the links below.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Global Patient Survey.

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