

Cabozantinib Quebec Reimbursement Update

Please note: this statement follows our mandate to provide you information on all access issues.

Kidney Cancer Canada – Cancer du rein Canada wishes to inform our community about recent developments in Quebec with regards to cabozantinib, a new treatment for patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) who underwent prior therapy.

Health Canada approved cabozantinib on September 14th2018, and in October 2018 the Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) recommended cabozantinib be added to RAMQ Listes de médicaments du Régime général and établissements. More details on the listing recommendation can be found on this link.

While cabozantinib has been recommended to be added to the Listes de médicaments, it may yet take a number of months before this therapy is approved for payment by the province.

In the interim, we encourage patients who require access to cabozantinib to work with their physician to apply through the RAMQ Patient d’exception measure, which allows for case-by-case review and funding for medications that have been approved by Health Canada but not yet added to the RAMQ formulary.

If you are a RAMQ beneficiary, and your physician believes you may be an appropriate candidate for the RAMQ Patient d’exception measure, your physician can apply for access to this treatment via the RAMQ Patient d’exception measure through this link:

Also, many employer sponsored private insurers have started to reimburse cabozantinib. If your physician believes cabozantinib may be appropriate for you, please collaborate with your physician to submit funding requests to your insurer to confirm private payer coverage.

Kidney Cancer Canada – Cancer du rein Canada also has information on a patient support program and we would be happy to help cliniciansaccess this program.

If you have any questions, concerns, or need any support with your care, please get in touch.

Yours sincerely,

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