

Activating Cancer Communities through an Exercise Strategy for Survivors (ACCESS)

A message from Dr Ricardo Rendon and Dr. Lori Wood

Dear Kidney Cancer Canada Nova Scotia Community,

We wanted to let you know about a new and exciting opportunity for people who have had or currently have kidney cancer in Halifax and Nova Scotia.

We are fortunate to be involved with a group of health care providers who are dedicated to supporting active lifestyles and improving health outcomes through individualized physical activity and exercise programming.

They are doing this through an exercise research program dedicated to lessen the impact of a cancer diagnosis and its treatment on your health and well being.

The program is called ACCESS (Activating Cancer Communities through an Exercise Strategy for Survivors).

It involves individualized assessment and instructions for 2 classes per week for 12 weeks.

Currently it is being offered at the Dickson Building at the VG site (Victoria General) but in the new year it will also be offered at the Canada Games Center and at the Truro Community Center.

Anyone who is over 18 and has had a cancer diagnosis in the past 5 years is eligible.

Patients must be have physician approval to participate and have some minimum baseline level of activity.

To participate, you can talk to your cancer doctor the next time you see them or you can directly refer yourself by calling 902 494-7173.

We are very excited about this project and the great opportunity it may provide many of you.

Kidney Cancer Canada endorses an active lifestyle for all its members and actively promotes this.

A very useful resource for you may be found on the Kidney Cancer Canada website on the following link: Get Active, Sit Less! Exercise Guidebook for Kidney Cancer Survivors

We really hope you take advantage of this great opportunity currently available to our Nova Scotia kidney cancer patients.

Dr Ricardo Rendon

Dr Ricardo Rendon

Dr Lori Wood

Dr . Lori Wood - Square

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Kidney Cancer Canada