

The CANO | ACIO Award of Excellence in Kidney Cancer Nursing

Kidney Cancer Cancer | Cancer du Rein Canada is looking to honour a nurse or group of nurses that has made an exceptional difference to the lives of kidney cancer patients.

The Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology | Association canadienne des infirmières en oncologie (CANO/ACIO) Award of Excellence in Kidney Cancer Nursing is sponsored by Kidney Cancer Canada in honour of its co-founder Tony Clark.

Tony was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2004 and throughout his cancer journey was focused on living life and advocating for educational resources and support for other kidney cancer patients and their caregivers.

Nominations should describe how the nominee (at least two of the following):
  • Demonstrates the importance of the nurse/patient relationship
  • Demonstrates nursing leadership through clinical practice and advocates for improved patient care
  • Mentors fellow nurses in the area of kidney cancer management
  • Utilizes current oncology nursing research and theory or conducts research that has a clinical focus and practical application for patients with kidney cancer
  • Has developed or promotes patient education materials that address symptom management or treatment-related side effects, and thus improvement of quality of life

Let’s recognize the work of these amazing nurses accros the country!
Click here to nominate a nurse.

This award is open to ALL NURSES in Canada. Individual does not have to be an oncology nurse or a member of the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology.

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Kidney Cancer Canada