

Founders of Kidney Cancer Canada Receive Meritorious Service Decorations from Governor General


Two Canadians diagnosed with kidney cancer who filled a gap in the Canadian health care system received Meritorious Service Decorations today from Governor General David Johnston at a ceremony in Ottawa.

Deb Maskens and the late Tony Clark, the founders of Kidney Cancer Canada, received the decorations in recognition of the support they have provided to thousands of Canadians touched by kidney cancer.

“Tony and I were both being treated for kidney cancer in 2006 when we met by chance in a doctor’s waiting room,” Ms. Maskens said. “It wasn’t long before we agreed that there was a significant gap in the health care system. We needed more than medical care. We needed knowledge, advocacy and the support of others who have faced kidney cancer and survived. We formed Kidney Cancer Canada to advocate for access to new treatments, promote research and provide support, information and education to every Canadian touched by kidney cancer.

We’ve accomplished a lot since 2006. But there is still much work to be done. Even though Tony succumbed to kidney cancer in 2010, he left behind a strong patient-led community committed to fulfilling its mission to ensure that patients have a strong voice in decisions affecting their care.”


Kidney Cancer Canada is a donor-supported charity that has grown into a 2,000-member community led by a dedicated Board of Directors and supported by a Medical Advisory Board that includes a number of Canada’s leading kidney cancer specialists.

Please contact Executive Director Heather Chappell by phone (416.603.0277 Ext. 5) or email (hchappell@kidneycancercanada.ca) for more information or to arrange an interview with Ms. Maskens or a member of Tony Clark’s family.

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Kidney Cancer Canada