

Anxiety and a Kidney Cancer Diagnosis

Fear of recurrence is common and even expected after a cancer diagnosis. In this webinar, you learn what to do when anxiety flares up, and how to live in a more positive and peaceful state of mind.



Dr. Rob Rutledge is a Radiation Oncologist in Halifax, Nova Scotia, specializing in breast, prostate and pediatric cancers, and is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University. His passion is empowering people affected by cancer, and has delivered hundreds of public talks and webinars, along with over 60 retreats and day-long seminars to thousands of cancer survivors. Rob has received a Cancer Care Nova Scotia Award for Excellence in Patient Care, and Doctors Nova Scotia presented him with a Health Promotion Award in recognition of his contribution to physician health and health promotion in cancer patients. Rob co-leads CancerPEP a comprehensive six-month daily patient empowerment program starting in November. Visit CancerPEP.org to learn more.


Kidney Cancer Canada