

Kidney Cancer Canada's Patient & Caregiver Forum in Montreal postponed du to COVID-19

POSTPONED – National Patient & Cargiver Forum in Montreal

Please be advised that after much deliberation and consultation the Board of Directors of Kidney Cancer Canada has determined that in the best interest of all concerned (both safety and well-being), that we must postpone our Annual National Patient and Caregiver Forum – scheduled for Saturday May 9, 2020 in Montreal. This decision was made as we monitor the COVID-19 situation as well as adhering to the federal guidelines produced by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

We recognize that this might cause some inconvenience – and we apologize for that – however we feel that this is in the best interest of everyone.

We will advise you as soon as a new date is set.

Thank you.

Kidney Cancer Canada – Board of Directors

Kidney Cancer Canada